History of Natural Remedies
Herbalism is sometimes maligned as a collection of home-made remedies
to be applied in a placebo fashion to one symptom or another, provided
the ailment is not too serious and provided there is powerful chemical
wonder-drug at the ready to suppress any 'real' symptoms. We often
forget, however, that botanical medicine provides a complete system of
healing and disease prevention. It is the oldest and most natural
form of medicine. Its record of efficacy and safety spans centuries
and covers every country worldwide. Because herbal medicine is
holistic medicine, it is, in fact, able to look beyond the symptoms to
the underlying systemic imbalance; when skillfully applied by a
trained practitioner, herbal medicine offers very real and permanent
solutions to concrete problems, many of them seemingly intractable to
pharmaceutical intervention.
The medicinal use of herbs is said to be as old as mankind itself. In
early civilizations, food and medicine were linked and many plants
were eaten for their health-giving properties. In ancient Egypt, the
slave workers were given a daily ration of garlic to help fight off
the many fevers and infections that were common at that time. The
first written records of herbs and their beneficial properties were
compiled by the ancient Egyptians. Most of our knowledge and use of
herbs can be traced back to the Egyptian priests who also practiced
herbal medicine. Records dating back to 1500 ac listed medicinal
herbs, including caraway and cinnamon.
The ancient Greeks and Romans also carried out herbal medicine, and as
they invaded new lands their doctors encountered new herbs and
introduced herbs such as rosemary or lavender into new areas. Other
cultures with a history of herbal medicine are the Chinese and the
Indians. In Britain, the use of herbs developed along with the
establishment of monasteries around the country, each of which had its
own herb garden for use in treating both the monks and the local
people. In some areas, particularly Wales and Scotland, Druids and
other Celtic healers are thought to have had an oral tradition of
herbalism, where medicine was mixed with religion and ritual.
<a href="http://naturalcuretherapy.com">Natural Cures</a> Remedy for
Stress Management
<a href="http://naturalcuretherapy.com">Natural Cures</a> remedy or
widely known as herbal medicine can be viewed as the precursor of
modern pharmacology, but today it continues as an effective and more
natural method of treating and preventing illness. Globally, <a
href="http://naturalcuretherapy.com">Natural Cures</a> remedy is three
to four times more commonly practiced than conventional medicine.
Herbalism also known of their efficacy in problems related to the
nervous system. Stress, anxiety, tension and depression are
intimately connected with most illness. Here are some <a
href="http://naturalcuretherapy.com">Natural Cures</a> remedies for
stress management that had been used by in many countries.
This has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. It is an excellent
sedative for anxiety and muscle tension. Many people enjoy its
benefits in the form of chamomile tea.
This is the ideal tranquilizer.
Good day viewers , my name is Jessica Campell ,Am here to let the whole world know that I was diagnose of herpes 7years ago were all hope was lost and I had nothing to do about it,I just accepted the faith that one day I will cure of this disease and I just pray everyday for a helper and one day my sister introduce me to a great herbal man called Dr. CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME that she saw on internet,well, I gave him a try on his email. dr.chukwumaduherbalhome@gmail.com, I was not fully convinced until he sent me the herbal medicine which he ask me to take for two weeks I took it with faith and i went for a retest in different hospitals and today am cured of this virus and am also using this medium to let all those having STD,like herpes and the rest not to give up,their is a man who can cure you,his name is Dr CHUKWU MADU , contact him on dr.chukwumaduherbalhome@gmail.com or contact him on his WhatsApp mobile number . +2347030936239.
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