Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
What is <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a>?
High blood pressure or popular known as <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> is a disease caused by several things that affected blood pressure, such as diet and stress factor. Diet will affect blood pressure for anything that you eat. Stress also could affected blood pressure, sometimes by emotion that bring by your mind for any emotional news or events.
Basically there are two types of <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a>, primary <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> and secondary <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a>. Primary <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> caused by someone's life style and diet. Primary <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> is the major cases in high blood pressure cases. Secondary <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> caused by a preexisting medical condition, like heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, or damage to the hormone system. This kind of <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> is rare in high blood pressure cases.
How to prevent <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a>?
There are some ways to prevent <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a>. The first way is to control your diet, always consumes healthy food and drink also avoid high cholesterol food. The second way is to control your stress; stress level could be managed by some anger management therapy and using such spiritual exercise treatment.
Is there any Natural Cure for <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a>?
Natural cure for <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> could always found in your own house. Some of the natural remedies and treatment for <a href="http://www.naturalcuretherapy.com/2009/01/natural-remedies-for-hypertension.html">Hypertension</a> is garlic. Garlic has benefit to lower cholesterol, reduces clotting of the blood and also could help lower high blood pressure.
List of natural remedies we can use to lower high blood pressure:
1. Garlic
2. Hawthorn
3. Fish oil that contains omega 3 fatty acid
4. Fruits
5. Calcium, through High calcium milk
6. Magnesium
Natural remedies could help lowering the high blood pressure by keeping the cholesterol level and increases the immune system. Natural cure remedies will take effect in long term by maintaining the body immune systems and also have less unwanted side effect compared to the usual drugs. Nevertheless, the best way is to use natural remedies with the doctor prescriptions and consultation to have an optimal result.
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