Mesothelioma (Asbestos cancer)
What is Mesothelioma?
Mesothelioma is a <a
href="">cancer</a> of the
lining around the chest (pleura), abdomen (peritoneum) or heart
(pericardium). The main cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos.
Some family members of workers exposed to asbestos have exhibited
symptoms of the disease because the asbestos fibers were brought into
the home on the clothes of the workers.
Due to the increase in the asbestos <a
href="">cancer</a> cases,
the use of asbestos was banned in many countries. Strict laws now
govern the use of asbestos.
How to prevent Mesothelioma?
The common symptoms of mesothelioma include consistent chest pain,
difficulty in breathing due to fluid accumulation, fever, extreme
fatigue, cough and weight loss.
Good day viewers , my name is Jessica Campell ,Am here to let the whole world know that I was diagnose of herpes 7years ago were all hope was lost and I had nothing to do about it,I just accepted the faith that one day I will cure of this disease and I just pray everyday for a helper and one day my sister introduce me to a great herbal man called Dr. CHUKWU MADU HERBAL HOME that she saw on internet,well, I gave him a try on his email., I was not fully convinced until he sent me the herbal medicine which he ask me to take for two weeks I took it with faith and i went for a retest in different hospitals and today am cured of this virus and am also using this medium to let all those having STD,like herpes and the rest not to give up,their is a man who can cure you,his name is Dr CHUKWU MADU , contact him on or contact him on his WhatsApp mobile number . +2347030936239.
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